
Showing posts from March, 2018

The 11 Best Animated Movies Of 2016

Among so much 2016 coverage, we’re particularly proud of our collective  Best Films of 2016  feature, but we do realize its paucity in one area: animation. Only one animated film made it onto the list, and that doesn’t really reflect just what a strong year it was for the form — in fact, it was possible that there were so many outstanding ones over the past 12 months that the votes got split and a couple more potentials narrowly missed the cut as a result. Not only has photo-real CG imagery in “live action” films gone from strength to strength (in movies like “ The Jungle Book ” and “ The BFG ,” for example), but the sheer variety of fully animated offerings means that whether you’re an arthouse aficionado, a sci-fi/fantasy junkie or an exhausted parent just looking for something shiny to distract the kids for an hour or two, 2016 has provided a huge number of options that are drawn rather than filmed. ...